address = {Beijing, China},
author = {Thiagarajan, Jayaraman J. and Jain, Nikhil and Anirudh, Rushil and Gim\'enez, Alfredo and Sridhar, Rahul and Marathe, Aniruddha and Wang, Tao and Emani, Murali and Bhatele, Abhinav and Gamblin, Todd},
booktitle = {International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'18)},
date-added = {2020-11-15 23:36:57 -0800},
date-modified = {2020-11-15 23:36:57 -0800},
month = jun,
note = {LLNL-CONF-750296},
title = {{Bootstrapping Parameter Space Exploration for Fast Tuning}},
year = {2018},